Sunday, April 29, 2012

Wayward Locks

Some-how there is a life lesson to learn, even in 'enduring' the unpredictable growing phase of wayward locks?!!

.... I so often try to keep the confines of my life, safe, short and 'manageable' - so that the outward expression is predictable and 'acceptable'. I am naturally vain when it comes to the appearance of my life - I want to 'look good' and seem like I've got it all together' (Ha!). This façade is easier, if I only reveal a tiny bit to others and 'cut off' all the rest. But this stunted, closed off person - is hardly the person God created me to be.

In contrast; growth and transformation is risky. People may witness the new wayward wisps that manage to make their haphazard way to freedom, ... and it is so easy for me to want to hurry, in chopping these off to a 'safe', predictable length - instead of allowing time to see what beauty and purpose may come out of the new vulnerable growth.

In fact the 'bad hair days' of life, where we have managed to get our brush completely tangled - and we cry hot childish tears of frustration ... these, are often the days when we finally realise the truth -that we cannot control our life. In our inability we cry out to our heavenly Father (who knows each one of us SO intimately, that even the very hairs on our head are numbered!). We realise He is the only one that can really see the whole picture of our life and who we are. We muddle and struggle, grasping at the loose ends - the deep roots of which we have never seen! Only He (like a patient Dad on a school morning), can truly sort out the 'birds nest' and untangle the knots. And it is in His gentle gracious hands that we realise we are accepted and loved despite stubborn cow-licks and unruly bouffant.

Can I dare to let go of the control I cling to so tightly and instead trust God, even when He is holding the scissors to cut away the 'split, dry and broken' in my life? Can I trust him to manage, style and transform me, in my 'growing out'? Will I be willing for him to use ALL of me for His glory?

... even the curly bits.

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