Saturday, October 8, 2011

Pink Girl, RED Woman

RED Rage - RED terror ... RED love, RED safe haven, RED warmth and peace

RED blushing shame ... RED deliverance, REDemption

RED sin ... RED grace

RED Blood - RED birth ... RED death... RED sunrise - resurrection; new life

RED Heart broken, RED pain ... RED healed, restored, RED thriving

In the RED ... RED plenty and generosity - RED purse, RED pantry - full

RED Desert Sand - dry and barren ... RED hope, RED Sturt Desert Pea - lush and blossoming

RED Roses - beguiling, RED deception ... RED Geranium - honest, RED joy and laughter

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Wait on the Lord - by Charles Spurgeon

    • 'Wait on the Lord.' Psalm 27:14

      'It may seem an easy thing to WAIT, but it is one of the postures which a Christian soldier only learns after many years of teaching. Marching and quick marching are much easier for God's warriors than standing still. There are hours of perplexity when the most willing spirit, anxiously desirous to serve the Lord, does not know what part to take. Then what shall it do?

      Vex itself by despair? Flee back in cowardice, turn to the right hand in fear, or rush forward in presumption? No, but simply wait. WAIT IN PRAYER, however. Call upon God, spread the case before him; tell him your difficulty, and plead his promise of aid.

      In dilemmas between one duty or another, it is sweet to be humble as a child, and WAIT WITH SIMPLICITY OF SOUL upon the Lord. It is sure to be well with us when we feel and know our own folly, and are heartily willing to be guided by the will of God.

      But WAIT IN FAITH. Express your unstaggering confidence in him; for unfaithful, untrusting waiting is only an insult to the Lord. Believe that if he keeps you waiting even until midnight, he will still come at the right time; the vision shall come and not tarry.

      WAIT IN PATIENCE, not rebelling because you are under affliction, but blessing your God for it. Never murmur against the second cause, as the children of Israel did against Moses; never wish you could go back to the world again, but accept the case as it is, and put it as it stands, simply and with your whole heart, without self will into the hand of your covenant God, saying,

      "Now, Lord, not my will, but yours be done. I do not know what to do; I am brought to extremities, but I will wait until you shall part the floods, or drive back my foes. I will wait, if you keep me many a day, for my heart is fixed upon you alone, oh God, and my spirit waits for you in the full conviction that you will yet be my joy and salvation, my refuge and my strong tower." '

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Fragrance of Life

The jasmine is out .... in frothy scented bloom, marking my wedding day 10 years ago. This gloriously heady fragrance wrapped itself around me, like the most beautiful of gowns, as I entered through the church doors. A perfume that is now bitter-sweet, in the memories it awakens. A union that was meant to express and reflect the perfumed breath of love-drenched life ... officially ends in two days, with the lingering smell of 'death'; of two messed up, broken, sinful lives. This is not how it was meant to be - this shattering of oneness.

This is not Gods beautiful image of marriage. A lifelong covenant relationship that is designed to reflect the intimate relationship between God and his pure spotless bride, the church - fully living, fully breathing, fully thriving - through grace in Christ. A holy love relationship between people and their Maker.

As I sit and ponder the passing fragrance of jasmine ... that is here one season and gone the next. I am drawn to the sweetest perfume of all, one that will never fade. The fragrance of true life, the aroma of ... Christ! In his death, the shedding of his blood - incredibly the torn, stench-of-death gown I wear, is washed clean, with new life.

I draw in deep - filling my lungs with the fresh, comforting smell of a wind-breathed, white linen robe - fresh off the washing line of grace! :)

Amazing grace.

"I delight greatly in the Lord;

my soul rejoices in my God.

For he has clothed me with the garments of salvation

and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness..."

(Isaiah 61: 10)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Wretched Brokeness

It will be ten years on Thursday... and then two days after that - until I stumble off the marriage train. Would love to say I could muster up a dignified, chin in the air, graceful departure ... but that wouldn’t be honest or true. Stumbling, baulking, half crazed, desperately sad, head hanging, bandy legs with knees folding beneath me, tears blinding ... this raw, undignified exit is a more accurate description of the reality of divorce. Anyone want to make this kind of excruciating decision? This is what it looks like. Puffy eyes, snot running ... nothing beautiful here. It is all wretched brokeness.

In the excruciating suffering of Jesus on the cross, he felt the full force and ugly reality, of depraved sinful humanity. He took on and bore the curse of sin ... becoming the curse. Worst of all, he experienced the tearing apart of the closest relationship there has ever been - the relationship he has with his heavenly Father. He bore the full brunt of God’s wrath against sin. Jesus was innocent, but he obediently submitted to a humiliating death ... out of love for us, for me. In the cross the price has been paid, justice has been accomplished - and somehow ... I get to go free! Free from the power of sin and it’s 'death penalty' ... free to live instead and to flourish in a life bound to him, my loving maker. What glorious freedom! In the cross, there is hope of new beginnings and the gift of life, despite the wretchedness of broken relationships. The cross brings healing and wholeness.

I hope in, and cling to amazing, heartbreakingly beautiful grace; the undeserved love and mercy of my Maker. In the cross, I witness a God who chooses to love unconditionally, despite my destructive behaviour and cold rejection of him, at times. He chooses love. He chooses forgiveness. When I run away, take no heed to his warnings, think I know best ... find myself hurt and all I can muster is an anguished breath for help; He runs ... scoops me in his arms, my loving Father ... and loves me with a ‘never stopping, never giving up, never failing’ love. How can this be? How can love work this way?

I certainly can’t muster up this kind of love within my own fallen, broken heart.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Moving ... Settling in the Valley of Hope

Wow .... so it looks like I'm moving!! No surprises there, for all who know my nomadic lifestyle up to this point! Mum and Dad have invested in a house ... and I get to be the blessed, rent paying occupant!!

So, (and here is the interesting part) ... it looks like I'm settling to become a semi-permanent (you have no idea how weird that word 'permanent' is to write) resident of Hope Valley.

HOPE Valley ... what a wonderful place to live and start a new life! Who would have thought a valley, of all things, could be hopeful? So often a valley represents despair ... or the 'shadow of death'. But no ... God is placing me in a valley of hope! And what a wonderful hope I have.

"See, I am making all things new" Revelations 21:5 ... is the verse that upon waking this morning, came to mind.

How I long and hope for that glorious day ... when all things will be made new. When all the struggling will cease. When every tear is wiped from our eyes, as we dwell and live with our heavenly Father in his renewed and restored Creation.

I am powerless to save myself from the enslavement, ravages and entagling of sin in my own life. This sin is a rejection of, and separates me from, my Creator who is holy and pure in love. In my rebellion - I think I can do it on my own, struggling in my own strength ...but I become a 'pit-dweller', dwelling in the pit of despair. I look around and see the consequences of sin and rebellion everywhere. This world is broken and suffering. There seems to be no hope.

But, this is my HOPE.

I hope in the incredible and gracious love of Jesus, who came and dwelt among us. Suffering; submitting to death, so that all who believe and trust in this incredible grace - are redeemed, rescued and released from the curse and bondage of sin.

I hope in His victorious resurrection - victory over sin and death. ... so that all may rise with him, (out of the pit) into a new life - transformed and re-newed.

And I hope in his coming again, in glory - where he will reign over the re-newed and made new Creation, as our glorious Servant King.

"It is finished"! (John 19:30) ... "It is DONE"!! (Revelation 21: 6) - WOW!

Therefore, since we are justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have obtained access to this grace in which we stand; and we boast in our hope of sharing the glory of God. And not only that, but we also boast in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us. (Romans 5:1-5)

This HOPE is true and sure, and holds me through the struggles of this present life. The Spirit gives me the assurance of Gods incredible love, he pour assurance into my heart - God cherishes me, he cares for me, he holds me, he carries me, he heals me, he sustains me, he delivers me, he provides for me, he knows me, he understands me, he wonderfully made me.

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:38-39)

His work of renewal, (although not brought to completion) is actually happening in the here and now ... and (oh, what amazing grace), is happening in me!

So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ . . . . (2 Cor 5:17-18).

For if anyone is in Christ ... they are part of the new creation. Part of Gods reconciling, healing, restoring ministry to our broken, sin cursed world, in the here and now. And 'God’s people are to be, through the work of the Spirit, an anticipatory sign of God’s healing and restorative future for the world.'

What a challenge, what a privilege for the church of believers today ... for me.

He lifted me out of the pit of despair and has put me in the valley of hope! What a wonderful God!!

As I dwell in Hope Valley, my prayer is that all will see where I put my hope ... and will praise and worship our loving, compassionate, merciful God.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Amy Carmichael

I was reminded of this book ('His Thoughts Said, His Father Said' by Amy Carmichael) by a friend who shared about having a blow-fly buzzing around her head. I will have to track down another copy, as I have lost mine along the way ... Amy's writing has been such an encouragement to me in the past.

Leave that book

Her thoughts said, “I have been reading a spiritual book and I am confused and tired with trying to understand.”

Her Father said, “Leave that book and read the Book that thou lovest best; thou wilt find it much simpler.”


Her thoughts said, “When I would seek Him whom my soul loveth, confusions like flies buzz about me.”

Her Father said, “Press through these confusions as thou wouldest press through a swarm of gnats. Take no notice of them. Be not stayed by them. Be not occupied with them. Be not entangled by them.”

Ye shall be trusted

The daughter knew that if she came to serve the Lord she must prepare her soul for temptation; but she had never expected the particular temptation that confronted her now.

Her Father asked her if she had expected to choose her temptations. The daughter said, “No,” but she longed to have done with temptation for ever!

Her Father said, “One day it shall be so.” “As a dream when one awaketh, so it will be… But thou must learn to endure and to conquer. Blessed is the one who endureth temptation.”

And He told her of hidden manna prepared for the overcomer. “Watch for the hidden manna,” He said, “It will come in hidden ways.”

Then to the daughter it was given to taste of the manna hidden in a word she had not found before: ‘Put your trust in the Lord God, and you shall be trusted.’ The daughter was greatly delighted with that word, and she prayed that she might be made worthy of so great a thing as the trust of her Father!

A breath may be a prayer

Her thoughts said, “Suddenly a question is asked, suddenly a decision must be made. The answer and the decision affect the lives of others. In me is no wisdom at all. Sometimes it is as if I could not even pray.”

Her Father said, “A breath may be a prayer; I hide not Mine ear at thy breathing. But be a simple child with Me. Ask for the thing you need most. I will not upbraid you. [I will not criticize you.] If any lack wisdom, let her ask. And as thou goest on thy way thou shalt do as occasion serve thee; for God is with thee. Do you lack strength? The Lord of hosts will be strength to them that turn the battle at the gate.”

Wearied with Her journey

Her thoughts said, “I could do better work for my Lord if it were not that I'm tired. I am tired of being tired.”

Her Father said, “Jesus, being wearied with His journey, sat thus on the well. Are you not willing to be wearied with your journey? Many are wearied in the service of self, the world, earthly glory -- you are loosed from that bondage. Rejoice in the liberty to be weary for God's sake, the One who loved you and gave Himself for you. Abide in His love, and you will learn to give as He gave, even in weariness; to live as He lived, more than conqueror over the flesh.”

The age-long minute

Thou art the Lord who slept upon the pillow,

Thou are the Lord who soothed the furious sea,

What matter beating wind and tossing billow

If only we are in the boat with Thee?

Hold us in quiet through the age-long minute

While Thou art silent, and the wind is shrill:

Can the boat sink while Thou, dear Lord, art in it?

Can the heart faint that waiteth on Thy will?

Thursday, August 18, 2011

So, Incredibly Sad

I filed the papers for the Divorce at the court yesterday ... it was sickeningly easy. Easier than applying for a Centrelink payment. I couldn’t stop the tears, as I watched the lady stamp the papers and enter the data into the computer. There is no funeral, no ceremony, just a five minute hearing at the courts in a months time.

No rigmarole - the end of nearly 10 years of ‘marriage’.

It is so, incredibly sad.

I messaged him before I headed in - just letting him know what I was doing ... and that I was doing it with sadness. ‘It’s up to you’, was his reply. Yes .... it is up to me. If only he could have at least seen once, that it had actually been up to him. No begging for me to reconsider. No declarations of love. No tears and remorse. No repentant life changes. No responsibility taken - for anything ... ‘it’s up to you’. Why does even that feel like a blow, on the dullness of my despondent heart.

It took me weeks to even print the papers off - I felt sick, just looking at the title. In the end my sister did it for me. It took me several more, to fill in a simple 6 page document, the majority of which was circling yes or no. How could this ‘self-driven’ process, be a gift out of Gods hands? It felt so mean. So nasty. So cold. So uncaring. So unloving. So final.

The same accusing thoughts come flying in and clash with the painful memories and the justifications. They wage war, wear me out, confuse me. My emotions swing like a pendulum. One minute I defend myself, the next I accuse myself of blowing things out of proportion, of not being willing to forgive, of not being willing to love enough, to work hard enough .... The thoughts whirl around and around - they swarm and attack. My heart feels like lead, my head aches - there is no relief.

Then a clear voice speaks, again and again, over and over - soft and kind ‘listen to me, listen to me’. It whispers peace, peace in the Cross. And as this peace washes over me, the other voices go quiet ... and the joy in His grace fills me again.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Veggie Patch

The soil in the veggie patch lies cold and fallow,
as the steely winter’s sun, slants through the leafless boughs of the plum tree.
The air is icy and still ... the silence broken,
only by the ‘coo’ of a pigeon, perched within its naked branches.

Many growing seasons have gone before,
some producing an abundance of harvest.
But, the last veggie crop had become sickly and diseased.
The tomato vine, spindly ...
a creeper, having woven its way through;
tightly wrapped tendrils, disfiguring the slender shoots.

The red fruit, few and hard to find, among the twisted chaos of creeper and vine-
had yellowed; shriveled dry, dropping seed into the sunless soil below.

Creeper and tomato, so thickly bound, differentiation became impossible ...
the tomato plant, unrecognisable in the tangled, knotted, organic mess.
The flow of life, slowly sapped, in the tight confines of squeezing power.

The secateur blades cut deep,
tearing the now lifeless plant,
from the menacingly tight grip of creeper.
The agonising work of separating limb from limb ...
somehow, excruciatingly relieving.
Browned canes crack and are tossed on the rotting heap of compost.
Until, finally there is no sign of vine or creeper;
of the tortuous, intertwined life that had been.
Only sickly soil, hiding the bitter and unspoken.

The fork pierces through unyielding clay -
suddenly overturned in a flurry of confusion.
Exposed and raw,
roots are heaved out of the ground,
dirt flying, a gaping hole left in its wake.

A spade of grace, lifts and fills the empty, exposed spaces.
The solid clods are broken and gently turned,
air is breathed within the now surrendered and crumbling earth.
Sour soil, is mixed with the sustaining food of compost and manure,
giving off the fresh, wholesome aroma of active and organic ... life.

Finally, brown fallow earth lies ... alive and still.
Peaceful, waiting, hoping, trusting.
Vulnerable beauty - barren and bare.

As the cool of winter days pass, with the billowing of grey clouds,
the seeds lie hidden, dormant, seemingly dead ...
until the joyful pink of blossom in the plum tree appear.

The warmth of sun and refreshing cool of rain,
soaks deeply,
penetrating through hard shells ...
awakening shoots of new life,

- the hope of a fresh harvest.

“My life is like a faded leaf,

My harvest dwindled to a husk;

Truly my life is void and brief

And tedious in the barren dust;

My life is like a frozen thing,

No bud nor greenness can I see:

Yet rise it shall — the sap of Spring;

O Jesus rise in me."

'Gracious Father, fill the garden of my soul with the wind of love,

that the scents of the Christian life may be wafted to others;

then come and gather fruits to your glory.

So shall I fulfill the great end of my being -

to glorify you and be a blessing to others. Amen'

Friday, August 12, 2011

What We Need is More Life - by George MacDonald

Let us in all the troubles of life remember that our one lack is life - that what we need is more LIFE - more of the life-making presence in us making us more, and more largely, alive. When most oppressed, when most weary of "life", as our unbelief would phrase it, let us remember that it is, in truth, the inroad and presence of death we are weary of. When most inclined to sleep, let us rouse ourselves to LIVE.

Of all things, let us avoid the false refuge of weary collapse, a hopeless yielding to things as they are. It is life in us that is discontented. We need more of what is discontented, not more of the cause of discontentment. Discontentment, I repeat, is the life in us that has not enough of itself, is not enough to itself, so calls for more. He has the victory who, in the midst of pain and weakness, cries out, not for death, not for the repose of forgetfulness ... but for strength to fight, for more power, for more consciousness of being, more God in him.

The true man trusts in a strength which is not his, which he does not feel, does not even always desire. He believes in a power that seems far from him, that is yet at the root of his fatigue itself and his need of rest - rest as far from death as is labor.

To trust in the strength of God in our weakness; to say, "I am weak; so let me be. God is strong"; to seek from him who is our life, as the natural, simple cure of all that is amiss with us ... power to do and be and live, even when we are weary - this is the victory that overcomes the world.

To believe in God our strength in the face of all seeming denial; to believe in him out of the heart of weakness and unbelief, in spite of numbness and weariness and lethargy; to believe in the wide-awake reality of his being, through all the stupefying, enervating, distorting dream; to will to wake, when the very being seems athirst for a godless repose - these are the broken steps up to the high fields where repose is but a form of strength, strength but a form of joy, joy but a from of love.

"I am weak," says the true soul, "but not so weak that I would not be strong, not so sleepy that I would not see the sun rise, not so lame but that I would walk! Thanks be to him who perfects strength in weakness and gives to his beloved of his very life even while they sleep!"

What Life Might Be!

If we will but let our God and Father work his will with us, there can be no limit to his enlargement of our existence, to the flood of life with which he will overflow our consciousness. We have no conception of what life might be, of how vast the consciousness of which we could be capable.

If every sunlit, sail-crowded sea under blue heaven flecked with wind-chased white - filled your soul, as with a new gift of life ... think what sense of existence must be yours if he, (whose thought has but fringed its garment with the gladness of such a show), were to make his abode with you ... and while thinking of the gladness of God inside your being, let you know and feel that he is carrying you as a Father in his bosom!

'Discovering the Character of God' by George MacDonald

Jesus said "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.' (John 10:10)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Craving Pure Spiritual Milk

One of the most stressful things I have done as a newby Midwife was to help women, who’s baby’s were refusing to feed. The babies would work themselves up into a crying frenzy. There faces would be screwed up bawling, red with anger. It would seem as though their world was coming to an end. Their tummy was hungry ... but they did not realise that the way to stop this hunger, was to latch on and feed. And with all their screaming there seemed no way to convince them to do this. Having a cuddle or sucking on someones finger might soothe for a little while ... but then the discomfort of a hungry tummy, would result in more screaming!

One of the tricks to helping a newborn in this situation is to express a little milk and to place it on their lips ... to give them a taste. So many times, this is all they needed. Suddenly they would go quiet, nuzzle in, latch on and draw strongly on the milk they so desperately needed. It is so wonderful to see a baby ‘drunk’ and content, with a tummy full of milk. Two hours later, they are back asking for more ... now more familiar with the feeling in their tummy and what will satisfy it. Feeding round the clock, babies grow and thrive. Amazingly, milk is all a newborn needs to sustain them.

We all long for contentment and fulfillment. We desperately reach out to different things. We think if only I had ... a better job, lived somewhere else, had the perfect relationship, had children, had more money, had some chocolate in the cupboard ... I would feel happier, I would feel content, I would feel complete. We grasp at the things we think will fulfill us, and then are devastated when these things fail us. I am all too familiar with these feelings. We cry, we kick and scream, we feel bitter and angry. There is a gnawing hunger inside of us, that nothing seems to be able to satisfy.

In the Bible, Psalm 34:8 says ‘Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.’ It is the Lord’s goodness that we need to taste. The taste of His goodness is so sweet, so wonderful ... it will stop us in our tracks. It speaks to our hungry heart’s about real nourishment- we can’t help but want to go back for more. His goodness is shown in his amazing love. ‘For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.’( John 3:16). Real life, real contentment, real fulfillment is found through the death and resurrection of Jesus. Jesus says that everything we need to sustain us in life ... is found in Him, he describes himself as being ‘the bread of life’. He says in John 6:27, ‘Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you.’

Once we have tasted and accepted the Lord’s goodness, found in the gift of His Son, the Bible says it is like being born again - ‘In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade - kept in heaven for you ...’ (1 Peter 2:3-4). This new life has hope in something, in someone that will never fail us ... there is tremendous joy and peace in knowing and trusting in this truth. But it can’t stop there ... if we lose sight of God’s goodness, we fall back into the old way of life. Of trying to grasp at things ... that in the the end will fail ... and we will be back to feeling devastated. We are just like newborn babies, dependent upon it’s mother’s milk to grow and thrive in our new life. We need to be reminded again and again of the mercy and love found at the Cross ... and we need to grow up and learn how to live our new life in response to that. We need to walk daily, round the clock, with God- to talk with Him and to read His Word ... to understand more fully His character and to allow Him to work in our hearts, to help us grow in maturity. This is our ‘spiritual’ milk.

1 Peter 2:2 says, ‘Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.’

It would be wonderful to one day be able to sing this beautiful song of contentment with all of you, dear friends ...

'My heart is not proud, O Lord,

my eyes are not haughty;

I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me.

But I have stilled and quieted my soul;

like a weaned child with its mother,

like a weaned child is my soul within me.

O Israel, put your hope in the Lord

both now and forevermore.'

Psalm 131

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


"There is a time for everything,

and a season for every activity under heaven:

a time to be born and a time to die,

a time to plant and a time to uproot,

a time to kill and a time to heal,

a time to tear down and a time to build,

a time to weep and a time to laugh,

a time to mourn and a time to dance,

a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,

a time to embrace and a time to refrain,

a time to search and a time to give up,

a time to keep and a time to throw away,

a time to tear and a time to mend,

a time to be silent and a time to speak,

a time to love and a time to hate,

a time for war and a time for peace.

What does the worker gain from his toil?

I have seen the burden God has laid on men.

He has made everything beautiful in its time.

He has also set eternity in the hearts of men;

Yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end."

Ecclesiates 3:1-11

Sitting in the Changi airport in Singapore, I stand on the brink of a new season in my life. I am in awe and amazed that God has chosen to bring in this new season with a monsoon. His mercy, love, grace, rich blessings seem to bucketing down on me ... and I am a little overwhelmed, by the sheer magnitude of his generosity! What an awesome heavenly Father I have. Mercy is mine ... only through the Cross. How beautiful the Cross is- bitter sweet!

In Naomi Reeds book -' My Seventh Monsoon' she writes:

"Each season comes to a close and ushers in the next one. And so it is in our lives. A time of pain and suffering does eventually move on. Joys and blessings once again bring a thankful heart. A period of isolation and loneliness is replaced by an overload of human relationships. Confusion may come and stay for a while. A good long while at times ... But of course, the next season is always close at hand.

Spiritually, we also move in seasons. We seem to bounce between times of great intimacy and closeness with God, to times of dryness. ...... These seasons not only affect the world in front of me but also in a strange and parallel way, affect my relationship with God. So I peer into the fog of my current season, often wondering what I will gain from my toil. I wonder whether I will see His hand transform my season into beauty. I wonder whether I will ever fathom what He is doing from beginning to end .... "

Friday, July 8, 2011

Mercies New Every Morning

'Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed,

for his compassions never fail.

They are new every morning;

great is your faithfulness.'

Lamentations 3:22-23

Early morning smiles and greetings, from beautiful H.

Snuggly cuddles in my warm bed, with J.

A choir of Magpies, warbling in the new day - from our rooftop

Delicate lines of rain droplets, hanging from each leafless branch and twig - in my garden, sparkling as the light catches each one.

3 new pink blossoms, on the ornamental plum, reminding me of Spring joys to come.

Cinnamon sugar in my coffee.

Having my hair done, in tight little bunches by H.

Reading stories with J.

Listening to my children chatter and play together.

The coo of pigeons in the garden, reminding me of Nepal.

Anticipation of eating .... mangoes!!!

'The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders;

where morning dawns, where evening fades,

you call forth songs of joy.'

Psalm 65:8

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Jar of Pickles

I had to smile as I climbed into bed last night. Tucked under the covers was a jar of pickled gherkins. J had woken me that morning with the words 'Here go Mum - pickles!' ... and the jar had been thrust into my hands. Bleary eyed I had tried focusing on J's face, in the hope that this might help me make more sense of the unusual gift he had given me.

Today as I sat in the sun and surveyed the glorious gift of Creation all around me, I was reminded of another morning a few years ago. I had woken wondering how I would get to church. The petrol tank and bank account were empty. Upon opening the front door, I found the answer ... for there sat a frozen leg of lamb and $20!! (I found out later that these had been left by my mother-in-law, who had recently had one of their lambs butchered!)

When I arrived at church, one of the ladies gave me a bag full of clothes for Hannah, who was almost one. On arriving home, I found another bag hanging on the front door, full of little girls shoes and a note attached from our neighbour - a lovely Christian lady, who encouraged me in my newness to motherhood. (She had a son the same age as Hannah, who was her sixth child!)

That afternoon there was a knock on the door, and I opened it to find the children of our neighbours on the other side. They excitedly presented me with a pair of little purple socks that they had found at the playground and thought that they would fit Hannah. As I went outside to talk with the children, their father (a struggling single Dad to 5 rambunctious children) climbed over the low wire fence that separated our properties and handed me a frozen apple pie!!!

On the evening of that day, I had sat perplexed and wondering ... at this odd assortment of unexpected gifts. Was it all just a coincidence ... or was this the hand of God?! It all seemed very odd, but I thanked Him for this unusual provision. Little did I know that by the end of that week, everything in my already shaky world would be turned up-side down. That we would be depending completely on God to provide for all our needs.

God has proved a rock beneath my feet, a sturdy, dependable, firm place to stand ... and He has continued to provide in many, varied and unusual ways! Often His provision has been unexpected, and causes me to look back in wonder and awe that He knows our needs, better even than I do!

It is humbling to be so dependent. We like to rely on our own strength and to be independent. But then I am reminded that the truth is - we have nothing in this world that has not been provided by our generous God. Even the very breath inside us, is His gracious provision!

By far the greatest, most unusual and unexpected gift is Jesus. Through bleary eyes, the cross can look as strange as a jar of pickles. This unusual gift was provided by God when we were least expecting ... when we hadn't even realised our greatest need, our need for Him.

I can fill my needs with all sorts of things ... but nothing satisfies - more than fully depending on Him.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Madly Skipping Around the Room, with full Abandon!

I was reading a story to my kids the other night – it was about a Mum who taught her daughter how to skip … and as I madly skipped around the room, with full abandon (!) to show them, Mummy could do it too, I was struck by something wonderful. My children help me to be myself. I don’t have to impress them or feel embarrassed in their presence – they don’t squash me into a box, restrict me, humiliate me or expect me to behave a particular way! I can just be ‘me’… which may include skipping madly around the room! I think this is a blessing from God that I should savour, as a mother of preschoolers … as I’m sure the time will come, when this will not be the case! Where a madly skipping mother will only bring embarrassment to her children!

Talking with lots of other Mum’s out there, I think it is common that we struggle with ‘who we are’ – when we become mothers. A lot of the things that used to define us, are no longer applicable. But I have found that being a mother has also reminded me, about a lot of things that used to also be ‘me’, that I had forgotten. This is pretty cool!

I have recently been reading and thinking about Psalm 139 in the Bible. It says that God knows everything about us, even better than we know ourselves! ‘Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O Lord' (vs.4)…! He created us. He wonderfully ‘knit me together' (vs.13) in my mother’s womb. It says that ‘all the days ordained for me were written in your book, before one of them came to be’ (vs.16)!

I guess it could be a scary thought to be ‘known’ completely. Our masks and facades do not hold up before God, there is no way to hide from Him. There is no way to impress Him - the Creator of the universe, He knows us 'warts and all'. And yet the Bible describes this Creator God as being compassionate, slow to anger, rich in mercy and abounding in love. He ultimately demonstrated this love, through Jesus death and resurrection - dealing with the 'warts' and shame, that stand in the way of us being able to relate freely with a holy God. Through the work of the cross - our old grubby self is replaced with a new sqeaky clean version!

'Therefore, if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ.' 2 Corinthians 5:17

How amazing and reassuring to be completely and unconditionally loved by my wonderful Creator God, who knows me - even better than I know myself! I am free to be myself- without shame... and to find my true identity - the person I was created to be, in being in relationship with Him.

This brings peace and joy to my heart!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Insanely Wonderful Generosity

My Mum is insanely wonderful in her generosity towards me … today she offered us a trip to Nepal to go and visit my sister!! I’m not sure that we can go … but in observing my Mum – I got an insight into the generosity of our Heavenly Father. If my Mum can be this generous, how much more God?! In fact the Bible talks about Gods grace and love being lavishly poured out to us … I wonder what prevents us at times from being willing or able to receive it? Is it unbelief or disbelief, pride or arrogance, pain, shame or anger? Is it a sense of condemnation? The work of Jesus dying on the cross deals with all these things! In realising this we are led to a place of humility, repentance and often brokeness. We do not deserve God’s insanely lavish gift of love and yet it gives him pleasure to freely give it! And in receiving it, we receive healing, freedom, dignity and life abundant. What a wonderful God! :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


It was an interesting time in my life for me to be staying at Saint Andrews Hall, a place I always thought I would one day go. All my hopes and dreams had pointed in that direction for so long.

 In my final years of school I had a strong sense of call on my life. I felt God was calling me into ministry and to become a missionary. Passion and zeal would rise within me when I heard talks and read books about working overseas in mission. I felt God was calling me to a ministry ‘on the edge’. I didn’t know what this meant, but I was excited. I was probably filled with many romantic notions of what the missionary life would be like. But my heart was on fire for God and it would break for the people who didn’t yet know him. ‘How can they call on the name of one that they have not heard, and how can they hear unless someone is sent’- ‘Here am I, send me!’, was the cry of my heart. And I meant it with every fibre of my being.

When I finished school, I went to the UK for 10 months and during this time attended a YWAM Discipleship Training School in Scotland, with an outreach to Mozambique. I had a very sure sense that this was where God wanted me to be. It was exciting, passionate and completely honest. I felt very close in my walk with God and sensed his guidance and hand upon me on numerous occasions. It was during one of these times, when I was praying to God, that I felt he presented me with a choice. I stood on the ridge of a hill, on one side were grass, flowers and an easy path. This I knew was the path of continuing in ministry opportunities as they arose in the UK and leaping with faith and enthusiasm from one thing to the next, it seemed so exciting…. but perhaps not very useful in the long term. On the other side of the ridge was a rocky ravine, with a difficult path, but the promise of an occasional lily growing out from the hard ground, to encourage me along the way. I knew the rocky path was going back to Australia, to my relationship with my boyfriend and to beginning the arduous journey of studying Nursing and then eventually Bible College, in preparation for long term mission service.
I chose the difficult path.

It has proved extremely difficult and nothing like what I imagined. On many occasions God has felt like a distant whisper. I have screamed, ‘Why?!!!!’, I have pleaded for him to rescue me, and the whole way the path has seemed unclear, rocky and difficult. The difficulties of my marriage relationship have felt at times to have completely destroyed every ounce of my being. The things I was once so passionate about have had to be laid aside, merely to survive, to stay above water and to live to see the next day. I had imagined living a life of active ministry to others, of having a home open and welcoming to all, of being someone to guide and mentor others, of immersing myself in another culture and getting alongside people – sharing with them the good news and hope we have in Jesus. But in the end, I have done none of those things and my faith has become nothing but a desperate attempt to cling to Jesus, despite the odds. The cracks and weaknesses in this pot are glaringly obvious and I have become at times disillusioned by the treasure that is supposedly within. 

So, when I finally got to live in Saint Andrew’s Hall. It was humbling. I wasn’t there training to be a missionary, I was there because our life had almost fallen completely apart and we needed my parents to help hold us together. I realised my dream of being a missionary wouldn’t be happening the way I had always imagined. The issues in our marriage would not be going away any time soon and even if we were to separate, our children would need to see both parents, which meant staying, wherever their dad was living. I would not be heading overseas as a missionary in the foreseeable future.
 Slowly as I watched each group go through to do their training, I realised that God had taken away the longing and dream in my heart. It was painful at first, I was grieved and bitter for a time, but eventually I was able to let it go. 

So now I stand, in an unknown place, with no clear direction. Not sure where God will lead. It seems most weeks are still just surviving. Being a single mother is a full enough task a lot of the time. I often struggle to see the meaning in it - the mundane chores, the games, the wiping of noses, the lessons, the songs, the love and discipline … But some-how it would seem that these two children are the ones God wants me to start ministering to first. Every now and then I am carried by dreams of mentoring women, of getting involved with overseas students, of working with refugees, of having an open home… But, then I go back to surviving. I can’t figure out how God is going to take my brokenness and use it for his purposes and glory. There seems no clear path or direction right now. Just waiting… and doing the arduous task of healing -like the Israelites as they found themselves in the desert on the other side of Red Sea. No promised land yet, just tired, bewildered and rejoicing in Gods deliverance. 

What will I do with the freedom God has given me? How can I wait and trust, without grumbling? He has provided for my every need, overflowing with generosity - like the manna from heaven. Who am I to grumble? Who am I to questions God and his plans for my life? Or the way that he brings about those plans? I, in my falleness, cannot fathom how or why, all I can do is try and trust in his steadfast love and mercy.

Lord, help me to trust in you.